The Heart of the Party
Set in Britain in the mid-to-late 2030s, this is a story of a politician, Sean Leigh, and how he navigates an ever-evolving world whilst struggling to hold his marriage and the country together; a futuristic HOUSE OF CARDS meets THE 39 STEPS. Click “Read More” for a sample…
The Tory Playbook (Part II)
LONG READ: The Conservative Party’s playbook for power (Part II)
Is the UK run by a Death Cult?
LONG READ: Part of my ongoing in depth look at the Tory Party
The Tory Playbook (Part I)
LONG READ: The Conservative Party’s playbook for power (Part I)
The Mask Keeps Slipping
An insight into the modern-day Conservative Party’s downward spiral into authoritarianism
America Has Failed
LONG READ: America is humanity’s foremost social experiment - the results are in
Humanity’s Greatest Challenge: Thinking Global
SHORT READ: Climate change involves both personal and global approaches